Muscle vs. Fat
FUN FACT: Did you know even when you aren't staying active your body continues to burn calories? Did you know that, at rest, muscle burns...

Gardening for a Longer Life
Remember the Blue Zones? These are the areas in the world where people live the longest, healthiest lives. In part, residents of these...

Rain or Shine?
Whether it rains or it shines, the Morris Cardio Family stays active! Make sure you take advantage of the warm weather and get outside to...

It's Never Too Late To Quit Smoking
Many people may think that if they have already been smoking for an extended period of time, that there is no point to quit, or that they...

What You Need to Know About Fiber
Fiber we get from foods that we consume, or dietary fiber, is hugely important to multiple aspects of our health- especially digestion...

Feeling Down? Head to the Nearest Park!
Here at Morris Cardio, we LOVE spending time in nature and our local parks. That's why we write "Park Prescriptions" that encourage our...

Decrease Your Salt Intake to Increase Your Longevity
Did you know that new studies by the CDC have shown that nearly 90% of Americans eat too much sodium? And that DOESN'T include the salt...

Very Simply, Your Priorities.
Dr. Morris makes a point to SCHEDULE physical activity into his schedule AT LEAST four days a week. That is around managing his full time...