IS Food Medicine?
Hippocrates thinks so! "Let food be they medicine and medicine by thy food." Read more HERE in this article from TIME Magazine! "...And...

Garden on My Mind
WHO'S THINKING OF THE COMMUNITY GARDEN THIS YEAR!? ...WE SURE ARE! We are happy to say the community garden season is upon us and we are...

What's For Breakfast?
Most common breakfast items include some form of meat, however with cholesterol values going up, increased evidence of arterial blockages...

Gardening for a Longer Life
Remember the Blue Zones? These are the areas in the world where people live the longest, healthiest lives. In part, residents of these...

What You Need to Know About Fiber
Fiber we get from foods that we consume, or dietary fiber, is hugely important to multiple aspects of our health- especially digestion...

Decrease Your Salt Intake to Increase Your Longevity
Did you know that new studies by the CDC have shown that nearly 90% of Americans eat too much sodium? And that DOESN'T include the salt...

Eating in the Blue Zone
As we know, the Blue Zone consists of areas around the world where people live the longest and healthiest lives- often living well passed...

Macka B Medical Monday
DO YOU KNOW THE POWER OF YOUR VEGETABLES? MORRIS CARDIO AND MACKA B. DO! Cucumbers, good for the body. Laughter, good for the heart....

Is Your Diet Affecting Your Migraines?
Do you suffer from chronic or occasional migraines? If so, adjusting your diet to avoid trigger foods and ingredients could greatly...

Improving Mood Through Your Diet!
Through 16 different studies, researchers have found that decreasing foods like processed meats and increasing fiber sources such as...