Are Fats Causing Diabetes?
Click HERE to read the detailing of how a diet higher in fat intake can lead to insulin resistance and ultimately Type II Diabetes! Do...

"For the second consecutive year, the Mediterranean Diet ranks as the No. 1 Best Diet Overall...The Mediterranean Diet, which research...

ANGINA: Stents, Drugs, ECP, Lifestyle
The MAYO CLINIC speaks out! Blocked arteries that cause your chest pain (angina), keep an area of your heart from getting enough oxygen....

Diet and Heart Failure?
" In a national, prospective, well-represented, contemporary registry, higher adherence to a plant-based diet was associated with a 41%...

Keto Health Prison?
Although you're certainly loosing weight, is your low-carb, high fat/protein diet hurting you? Click HERE to watch this short video on...

Healthful Diets Reduce Depression Symptoms
"Healthful diets reduce depressive symptoms, according to a meta-analysis published in Psychosomatic Medicine. Researchers reviewed 16...

A MUST WATCH in your Community
Watch this trailer! The Invisible Vegan is an independent documentary that explores the cultural problem of unhealthy dietary patterns...

IS Food Medicine?
Hippocrates thinks so! "Let food be they medicine and medicine by thy food." Read more HERE in this article from TIME Magazine! "...And...

Our provider Sheila was recently published in Disease Reversal Digest regarding useful techniques for improving sleep and why quality...

Decrease Your Salt Intake to Increase Your Longevity
Did you know that new studies by the CDC have shown that nearly 90% of Americans eat too much sodium? And that DOESN'T include the salt...