Park Rx America
Did you know that viewing and spending time in green spaces is now scientifically proven to have the capacity to lower blood pressure and...

Mediterranean Diet Named the Best
"U.S. News recently tried out 41 popular diets and decided that the “best” diet for 2019 is actually the Mediterranean diet." CLICK HERE...

Public Announcement! Non-Invasive Procedure for Chest Pain & Other Related Symptoms
Over 6 million people across the United States suffer from angina (chest pain) and other cardiovascular symptoms combined with their...

E-Cigarette's May Double Your Risk for a Heart Attack
Dr. Morris explains that while e-cigarette's may be a great transition into smoking cessation, when used solely for recreational purposes...

Is your low-carb diet increasing your risk for heart disease?
Morris Cardio doesn't believe in diets and research confirms it. "A low-carb or high-carb diet raises your risk of death, a new study...

Your arterial plaque may have been developing since age 10!
"...the choice isn't whether or not to eat healthy to prevent heart disease but it's whether or not you want to reverse the heart disease...

Lifestyle Is The Medicine, Culture Is The Spoon
Morris Cardio is proud to be members of the American College Of Lifestyle Medicine. Chronic disease is one of the leading causes of...

Stand Up for Yourself
Look what came in the mail - Melissa, our exercise physiologist medical assistant, finally got her stand up desk!! Click through the...

Silent Benefits of Movement
80.2 million Americans over age 6 are entirely inactive. Many people know the general health benefits of exercise, but many benefits so...

The Power of Mood
A follow up from our recent post: "The Stress/Heart Disease Relationship" " Whether you can stave off emotional problems by helping the...