The Stress/Heart Disease Relationship
"...It's not simply that people tend to be depressed because they have a life-threatening illness, or that depressed people smoke, are...

The Importance of Water
Water is very important to the human body. Every one of your cells, organs and tissues use water to help with temperature regulation,...

Mindfulness and Heart Health Connection
Mindfulness is bringing one's ATTENTION to your thoughts and feelings, perhaps questioning them, but never judging them. A formal tool...

Hearts Get "Younger," Even at Middle Age, with Exercise
A small study shows, even at middle age, if you can add physical activity to your routine you can decrease the age of your heart...

One Cigarette a Day Raises the Risk of Heart Disease
"Smoking raises the risk of developing many persistent health problems, including atherosclerosis, a condition in which fatty deposits...

Five Hobbies That Can Improve Your Health
Becoming and/or staying healthy can sometimes seem like an impossible task. Having careers, children, and other important life components...

Your Desk Job and Your Health
Several recent studies show “Prolonged sitting increases the risk of heart disease, obesity, Type 2 diabetes and some forms of...

Research on Mediterranean Lifestyle & Depression
Scientific research has shown that the Mediterranean Lifestyle improves cardiovascular health. More research has come out to show that it...

Common ground across all healthy diets: Quality
A recent case study has come out continuing the clarification of increased NUTRITION and it's connection to heart health and minimizing...

It's 2017 and stress levels are high - Ask your Dr. about ecotherapy!
"...Huddle's treatment plan is part of a growing field of medicine called "ecotherapy" — nature-based programs and exercises that can...