Keto Health Prison?
Although you're certainly loosing weight, is your low-carb, high fat/protein diet hurting you? Click HERE to watch this short video on...

Healthful Diets Reduce Depression Symptoms
"Healthful diets reduce depressive symptoms, according to a meta-analysis published in Psychosomatic Medicine. Researchers reviewed 16...

Sweet Potato Hash
Healthy Breakfasts do not have to be boring! Try this one on your day off as your "fancy breakfast" and tell us what you think! We also...

Chia Seed Pudding
I quickly prepped something last night for this morning's breakfast and these frozen berries were involved. Can anybody guess what it...

7 Ways to Manage Stress
"When you're feeling overwhelmed, try switching your focus to s short list...the mere act of coming up with a list will get you out of...

Back to where it started
Our newest provider Sheila has now been with us for about 10 months and we're growing stronger than ever before! If you want to read...

Quad-Bypass Cannot Hold him Down
Re-posting this story from last year because this story is simply incredible. Join us this Sunday at City Park in Hopewell, 3:00pm-5:00pm...

Break Room Snack
Need a pick-me-up and have a hankering for something sweet!? Morris Cardio loves healthy snacks and today with this gorgeous weather we...

A MUST WATCH in your Community
Watch this trailer! The Invisible Vegan is an independent documentary that explores the cultural problem of unhealthy dietary patterns...

IS Food Medicine?
Hippocrates thinks so! "Let food be they medicine and medicine by thy food." Read more HERE in this article from TIME Magazine! "...And...