Garden on My Mind
WHO'S THINKING OF THE COMMUNITY GARDEN THIS YEAR!? ...WE SURE ARE! We are happy to say the community garden season is upon us and we are...

Muscle vs. Fat
FUN FACT: Did you know even when you aren't staying active your body continues to burn calories? Did you know that, at rest, muscle burns...

Rain or Shine?
Whether it rains or it shines, the Morris Cardio Family stays active! Make sure you take advantage of the warm weather and get outside to...

Very Simply, Your Priorities.
Dr. Morris makes a point to SCHEDULE physical activity into his schedule AT LEAST four days a week. That is around managing his full time...

Park Rx America
Did you know that viewing and spending time in green spaces is now scientifically proven to have the capacity to lower blood pressure and...

Does Exercise Increase Energy Levels?
Research is IN and the answer is YES! Click HERE to read more! #exercises #health #energy #Cardiology #hearthealth #fitness #longevity

The Morris Cardio Family would like to congratulate our very own Dr. Morris on receiving honorable mention in 2018's BEST BEDSIDE MANNER...

Meet Willie: The Weightlifting Grandmother!
#health #cardiology #hearthealth #nutrition #exercise #fitness #lifestyle #shoutout #community

Your providers, Dr. Morris and Sheila, and the Morris Cardio family voted today! Morris Cardio supports equal opportunity, education and...

Scary Effects of Sitting Too Much!
Click HERE to read "The 11 Scary Dangers of Sitting Too much, and How to Fix It" WANT MORE? Click the blue tags at the top of the post,...