10 min or Less Breakfast
Many people forgo breakfast in a rush to get out the door, however your breakfast does not have to be complicated! Check back on this...

Healthful Diets Reduce Depression Symptoms
"Healthful diets reduce depressive symptoms, according to a meta-analysis published in Psychosomatic Medicine. Researchers reviewed 16...

7 Ways to Manage Stress
"When you're feeling overwhelmed, try switching your focus to s short list...the mere act of coming up with a list will get you out of...

Quad-Bypass Cannot Hold him Down
Re-posting this story from last year because this story is simply incredible. Join us this Sunday at City Park in Hopewell, 3:00pm-5:00pm...

Morris Cardio Hike!
Join us on Sunday, April 28th, 2019 at City Park to celebrate National ParkRx Day! We look forward to getting outside, getting active,...

Muscle vs. Fat
FUN FACT: Did you know even when you aren't staying active your body continues to burn calories? Did you know that, at rest, muscle burns...

Very Simply, Your Priorities.
Dr. Morris makes a point to SCHEDULE physical activity into his schedule AT LEAST four days a week. That is around managing his full time...

Macka B Medical Monday
DO YOU KNOW THE POWER OF YOUR VEGETABLES? MORRIS CARDIO AND MACKA B. DO! Cucumbers, good for the body. Laughter, good for the heart....

Does Exercise Increase Energy Levels?
Research is IN and the answer is YES! Click HERE to read more! #exercises #health #energy #Cardiology #hearthealth #fitness #longevity

Mediterranean Diet Named the Best
"U.S. News recently tried out 41 popular diets and decided that the “best” diet for 2019 is actually the Mediterranean diet." CLICK HERE...