Morris Cardiovascular and Risk Reduction Center is a
state-of-the-art Medical Cardiology Practice dedicated to the prevention and treatment of coronary disease and all
associated health conditions
Dr. Morris is a Board Certified Cardiologist who believes in a systemic approach to heart disease: getting to the root of the issue. Even with medications and surgeries, a disease continues to progress within our body and potentially steal from our quality of life. At Morris Cardio we believe medications may be vital to help manage our health until, if appropriate, our lifestyle modifications allow us to reverse our conditions and potentially come off of many of them.
Dr. Morris stays up to date on all medical research and is actively engaged in the medical community and new avenues of treatment for all cardiac health conditions. Scientific research shows all components of oneself: physical, emotional and mental, play vital roles in heart hearth. Dr. Morris is an avid believer of this and as such has brought components of all areas of health into his practice to better meet the needs of the community.

What does getting off medications mean?
Dr. Morris believes that in many instances medications are appropriate in maintaining the health of an individual; however, his goal is to treat the root cause of disease itself so the body no longer needs the medication, and thus does not have to live with side effects of medications.
If by adopting healthy lifestyle habits you can bring your numbers down naturally, then you will essentially no longer rely on the medication for your health. At that point, and only then, your provider will take you off of your medication. At Morris Cardiovascular we celebrate this moment as you take back your health.

Our Mission Statement
To create heart healthy lifestyles through evidence-based medicine, education, nutrition, and fitness.
Core Values
Strive for a healthy mind, body, and spirit
Accountability for our actions
Respect and Value for our patients, our employees, and ourselves
Pursue excellence in everything we do, and work together for the best solutions