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Tonight we harvested squash, kale, rainbow chard, okra and basil. All fresh, all organic! Diane (a local master gardener) has donated much of her time to develop and raise this garden to something beautiful and tonight was busy giving support to the tomato plants to keep them off the ground (this keeps the fruit from spoiling from sitting on the dirt for extended periods of time), and gave them all a good water. We additionally pruned some of the plants, this helps promote growth and directs the nutrients to the more vital areas for fruit/veggie production!

Small things like these need to be done on a daily basis to help keep the community garden alive, thriving and nutritious. We would like to put together a committee of community members (YOU and YOU!) to promote success and continued and organized progression for this garden and the space. This will involve specific plans for community members to be able to register for their produce and commit to the continued development of the produce and the area.

If you would like to be a part of this garden, make some produce your own, and become a part of a special family PLEASE reach out to us! This is moving forward NOW!

What goes in (food), is what comes out (health). Do not put your health on hold and do not wait to become a part of something that you can make your own and contribute to your journey. (Did I mention resultant immediate free produce)?

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