What's For Breakfast?
Most common breakfast items include some form of meat, however with cholesterol values going up, increased evidence of arterial blockages and associated heart risk, and an ever-growing weight gain epidemic, setting aside the meat for breakfast may be a great and approachable way to start to decrease your saturated fat and sodium intake!
Usually have a hearty breakfast? Try this sandwich out, it's what we had for breakfast!

Whole Grain Toasted Rye Bread
Spicy Honey Mustard
1/2 Sliced Avocado
1-2 Over easy Eggs (If your cholesterol is high, opt for egg WHITES)
Mixed Greens (an abundance) :D
Lightly dusted with: garlic powder, black pepper, mixed herbs
Please Note: This sandwich is quite large and also accompanied with an active lifestyle. If you are more sedentary, cutting it in half is a healthier alternative.
(ALTHOUGH we always opt to increase activity level - watch your benefits compound!)
Additional Quick and Healthy Breakfast Options include (but not limited to):
Overnight Oats made with a nut-milk and non-fat yogurt
Unsweetened Oatmeal with added fruit
Healthy Homemade Smoothie
Non-fat Greek yogurt, unsweetened (add fruit or drizzle honey)
A piece of fruit (also can add with unsweetened/unsalted peanut butter)
Stay tuned to get more details on these options and more!